How to Full Body Workout? An exercise regimen that works every major muscle group in one session is called a full-body workout. This is an example of a full-body exercise program that you can follow. Always remember to warm up before working exercise and to stretch and cool down afterward. Warm-up: 5–10 minutes of mild aerobic exercise (jumping jacks, cycling, jogging) dynamic stretches (torso twists, arm circles, and leg swings) Whole-Body Exercise: Squats Ensure that your feet are shoulder-width apart. As though you were sitting into a chair, lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Maintain an upright posture with your back straight. Reduce your body weight until your thighs are in line with the floor. Put some pressure on your heels to get back to your starting position. Try to complete 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Daily Fitness Work Out Push-Ups Place your hands shoulder-width apart and begin in the plank posture. Bring your torso down until your che...